Lost money to online fraud? We will recover your funds !

You are just 2 steps away from a free case review !
Minimum loss amount to refund - ₹91,035.
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    Free Case Review

      Select the amount you lost with the broker:

      We only process cases of more than ₹91,035

      We do understand that you’ve already been scammed online and that you’re naturally afraid of paying online. This is why we do offer a free case review, and won’t charge anything if your case isn’t qualified. Please do your part of the deal, and submit your case only if you truly intend to proceed with the recovery process.

      Funds Recovery

      We know exactly how to get your money back!

      With us you will have wealth recovery experts who know all the tricks and inner workings of international scammers on your side.
      With the help of our legal specialists, cyber forensic investigators, and years of experience in funds recovery, we can track and expose the fraud so you can exercise your rights and recover your money.
      Want your funds back? Contact us as soon as possible - every minute counts!
      Recovery Specialist
      Families are happy again
      People got their lives back

      The Process

      Contact us for a free case review

      Our team of experts will assess your case and identify which kind of fraud had been done and whether money can be recovered or not. The case review is free so you can stop Hesitating and contact us right away.

      Cyber Forensic and Legal actions

      After approving that your case is valid we can move ahead in building the legal case to recover your money. Our legal department will issue the needed letters and application to the authorities that are responsible to recover your stolen money.

      Get your money back

      Most of the fraud victims are depressed and feel ashamed about their situation. After completing the full service and successfully recovering their wealth, they can finally feel relief. We are happy to help people recover their funds, and get their life back.

      Our Speciality

      Money Laundering litigation

      Criminals need to launder the profits they make out of scams so that it cannot be tracked back to them. Our money laundering litigation division is expert in undercovering their actions.

      Court Litigation Advisory

      Your Recovery Helper litigation advisory team is here to make sure you will exercise your rights in court if and when it will be needed

      Cyber forensic investigators

      In some cases we are covering the full investigation of the online actions taken by the criminals who have scammed our clients. Retrieving the cyber footprints of the scam will assist in recovering the funds that were stolen.

      Banking Claim Experts

      Some of the illegal actions taken by criminals can be resolved in managing the accurate claim against the financial institutions that were being used by the scamming criminals. Our international banking expert is evaluating each case to create a banking strategy for funds recovery.

      Fraud Modeling Specialists

      There are different types of scams, ponzi schemes and wire frauds. We utilize years of experience to recognize the model of the fraud of each case. Understanding the fraud model assists in uncovering the fraudsters and thus increases the chance of recovering the stolen money.

      Legal Claim Management

      We will exercise your rights through legal claim management. After reviewing your case and collecting all the forensic evidances of the scam, we will manage the claim to recover your funds. Contact us today to get a free case review.

      Recover your money and get your life back

      Have you been a victim of an online scam?

      If so, you are probably angry or depressed and feel like your life have turned upside down.

      What if we told you that it is possible to recover your funds? Would you take that chance? Yes, w believe you will, and that is the opportunity we are offering every scam victim, i.e., a chance to SMILE again!

      Our Client Stories

      Don’t give up is my motto in life. Don’t let the shame hold you down.

      My savings were lost due to a trading scam after investing with a fraudulent crypto trading broker. I heard about the Your Recovery Helper solution from a golf partner that used their service already. The results arrived after 3 months. As a result of Fund Recovery’s assistance, I was able to recover 80%% of my losses and we are currently pursuing the remaining. I recommend them to any person who has fallen prey to an online trading scam. Excellent customer assistance and above all! great results. the support team was very effective in guiding me on how to pursue the recovery of funds.

      Markus Kaufmann
      Broker Scam
      ₹9,519,872 recovered

      A trading scam cost me ₹28,973,525 in savings. You can never know!

      I made several successful investments with this broker before losing 40% of my savings to the trading scam. It cost me so much money and pain to invest in an investment that was not even real. Your Recovery Helper, I was able to recover the majority of funds, and we are still attempting to recover the rest. I highly recommend Fund Recovery for anyone involved in an online trading scam

      Thomas L. Stephenson
      Trading scam
      ₹28,973,525 recovered

      Following several, good investments with a Crypto trading broker company, I ended up My savings funds were stolen by a fraudster.

      losing 70% of my savings funds to an online trading scam I felt so foolish I trusted the wrong broker. The help arrived in the form of a professional legal team. I was told that I have a good case and a very high chance of getting my money back, so I decided to pursue it and not give up. Three months later, they successfully recovered my money. I appreciate what you did for me! Thank you.

      Nathan Owen
      Crypto Scams
      ₹19,453,652 recovered

      Have you lost money to online fraud?
      We will recover your funds!

      As expected, you are wary of making any transactions online or even trusting again. But hear us out – we are offering a free case review, and we won’t charge you a thing if your case isn’t approved. So basically, you have nothing to lose if you choose to submit your case.

      Free Case Review

        Select the amount you lost with the broker:

        We only process cases of more than ₹91,035

        Get a free consultation!